Launch Your Startup

Put your startup Idea to the test with my expert guidance! 💪

Game-changing 1:1 mentorship from just £250

What founders say

Let's Get to Work!
Guided Programmes for Every Stage

Expert guidance
and a clear plan of attack

Your Underdog Toolkit 🛠️

1:1 guidance from an industry
expert  mentor 🤝

accountability and motivation 🏃

A step-by-step 
action plan on each call 

Access to an elite
 founder community space

I'll be your Underdog Mentor

Write your awesome label here.

I'm an immigrant entrepreneur dedicated to empowering others to build resilient, successful businesses. Arriving in the UK with minimal resources, I overcame major obstacles to create thriving companies from the ground up.

With years of hard-won experience, I now provide practical advice and hands-on mentorship to entrepreneurs ready to achieve their visions.

Some Key accomplishments Include:

  • Exited founder of Chelsea Creperie brand
  • CEO & founder of Chelsea Swim Spa swim school
  • Graduate of Goldman Sachs 10K Small Businesses programme
  • Invited speaker on business resilience and entrepreneurship

  • Author of 'The Immigrant Entrepreneur'

Mentorship with me Includes:


& Actionable Steps


Guided Venture
Building Syllabus


Bonus Weekly 
Group Calls


Exclusive Founder

The Underdog Experts Joining Your Corner

It's our belief that everyone can be world-class at something. Without proper support, many talented founders struggle to launch big ideas.

Underdog is an alternative to the traditional 'Founder-First' Accelerator, with experienced mentors ready to help.

Stop waiting and start building.

With the Underdog team in your corner,
the only limit is your willingness to hustle.

Frequently asked questions

What is Underdog?

Underdog is a startup incubator designed to help first-time and experienced entrepreneurs develop their business ideas and bring them to life.
We offer 4 free in-depth programmes. taking founders from day zero all the way to closing a pre-seed round.

Why should I join?

You can launch a validated startup idea fast!

Results: 75% of past graduates have generated revenue by the end of the PROVE programme.
Network: Join an active and supportive global community of founders.
Mentorship Access: Leading subject matter experts available for private 1:1 guidance.
Resources: Templates, tools and know-how are shared with you for free.

How does the mentoring work?

Depending on your subscription, You will meet with your mentor either twice each month or 4 x/month.
During each call, you will review your progress and leave with actionable steps to work on and review on the subsequent call.

I need additional mentor support. Is this possible?

Yes. You can upgrade to 4 x mentor calls with your mentor which will provide you with weekly guidance across all programmes.
This costs £450/m. 

Will I meet other founders?

A huge part of Underdog is our community focus and part of your mentorship includes free access to 'The Kennel' - Our premium community offering.
You'll work alongside and meet many founders during your time on the programme.

I have some more questions, can I contact someone?

We'll be happy to answer any additional questions. Message us here

Get Started Now with
My Expert Mentorship

Underdog is an alternative to the traditional 'Founder-First' Accelerator, with experienced mentors ready to help.

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